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Affordable decorating

Design Ideas

Cheap, smart uses for IKEA furniture in interior design schemes

In celebration of all things IKEA, here are several instances when designers used the Scandi behemoth in extremely smart interiors – and you probably didn’t even notice

17 Instagram accounts to follow for affordable decorating ideas 

You don’t need a huge budget to transform the look of your home and these inspiring accounts prove that anything is possible. 
Affordable decorating

How to add value to your home

How to add value to your home: from quick fixes to investments that are guaranteed to pay off

Can you achieve a high-end look with high street pieces?

Interior designers give us their thoughts on a high/low mix and share their go-to affordable shops

The affordable interiors luxuries we're all turning to now

Fiona McKenzie Johnston explores how the ‘lipstick effect’, which explains why we all turn to affordable luxuries in times of economic difficulty, applies to the world of interior design

Dear Fiona: is it bad that I buy everything for my house on the high street?

In the latest in our Agony Aunt series, Fiona McKenzie Johnston responds to a reader suddenly plagued by guilt about her high street shopping habit, advising a judicious mix of second-hand and hand-crafted pieces. Got a question for Fiona? Email
High street shopping

Inexpensive, independent shops you should have on your radar

The best places to support when looking for new homewares, textiles and plants

How to decorate like a grown-up when you have flatmates

When the cost of living makes it impossible to live alone, this is how to create a stylish shared home without feeling like you’re a student again

TikTok and Instagram accounts to follow for renter-friendly design ideas

These accounts prove renting needn't mean bland walls and beige vertical blinds

Simple, affordable ways to make your house feel more luxurious

However tight your budget, we recommend indulging in a few key pieces to bring a sense of luxury to your everyday life